I am sad with what happened in the last 1 week. Three people whom I have known well passed away. It is hard to believe that the person/people are no more. Hmmm, you will never get to see them on occasions. They will never call you and so will you. They get into history, history of life. Maybe into the chapters of our lives.
History, not the history we studied in school nor some great personality’s history. Our very own, each one of us have a history. Hope you do agree with me. This is that history book that I am referring to which relieves a lot about oneself. It is not written anywhere nor the events recorded. Oh yes, some events are recorded, happy occasions, milestones in life, birth, marriage etc., but the painful events are not. They remain in those pages.
As kids, this book is not heavy as those school bags. The book is light and we don’t realize we have one. But then, as years roll by, suddenly you start realizing that the book is getting heavier. Additional pages get added. Some pages buried deep down. But they are there. This book is so neatly organized in comparison to the things we organize at home or office. The chapters are evident. They talk about YOU, your memories, your likes and dislikes, listings of people whom you love, miss and so on. But then there is this addendum to this history book which also tags along in the memory shelf. This addendum is about the current and that of hopes, wishes and ambitions in this life. The inner self carries both of them. We refer back to history when we are in the current and attach our dreams to chapters in the addendum. We try our best to make this addendum as neat, as beautiful and colorful as possible, day in and day out and as we tread along, the pages from the addendum get into the history book. Confusing……….but amusing right?
Some events and happenings are not in our hands, but still for those that are we should make an honest attempt to make it truthful, faithful and colourful,it is our book, our life.... As Swami Vivekananda said, " We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act".
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