I am not a health freak. People who have known me will agree with it. Not that I do not make an effort, I hardly find any time with an 8 to 5 job, a naughty 4 year old and other commitments! OK, honestly the reason is ‘I do not make time’! I am sure with a little effort and planning I should be able to manage a 30 mt walk every day. So, as always, I will try to…………
The intention right now is not to debate on how I should manage my work schedule to make time for the 30 mt walk! Once in a while I do (smile – how nice) and take a 30 mt walk at a park in our locality. During such walks, I have come across different people and what I overheard during such walks is very interesting (I did not sneak or neither was curious, but overheard).
This park has a walking track, a play area for kids and some seating for people who want to relax. There is this group of 4-5 ladies, may be in their mid 60’s who seem to be regular for their evening walk. They walk at a medium pace, mostly blocking the way for other people and at times standing right in the middle of the track when something that they are discussing becomes very interesting or serious. I walk at a normal pace and at times have overheard their conversations. Their conversations are mostly centered on their daughter in law not treating them well! (nothing surprising!) or in other words sons no more respecting them, some relative who has been interfering in their family matters, money related issues (how the pension money is not sufficient for a decent livelihood these days), children not realizing the pain that the parents have taken and discussions on the recipes’ and the best known methods shared with pride are a learning (eg: I learnt that a particular south Indian dish – majjige huli – can be made with a few other vegetables and differently, will try some day!). At times, I notice that one of them is very depressed and the rest of them are consoling, advising in the best possible way to cheer-up the lady! I am sure that they eagerly look forward to this get-together and enjoy the 1 hour thoroughly more than the walk. Finally they settle down over a bench and return home! What makes me smile and think is, these ladies are lucky as they are a sounding board for each other (gossip apart), they make time to meet, plan shopping together, visit on one of them who is sick, motivate, argue, etc. etc. They live in their own world and seem to enjoy it so much! Life’s little pleasures and those that keep one going, walking... When I am at the park I literally search for this group, am I trying to discreetly hear them? no, but then I have realized many things being a listener…..
It’s just not these ladies, I have also overheard old men, walking very slowly passing remarks such as how bad the political situation is (excuse me, politics ! not interested), or why there are so many TV channels, how irritating some programs are etc etc and at times worried about their BP and sugar levels! Also, there was once this old man who went non stop about his visit to the USA where he stayed couple of months with his son and how impressed he was with the system and cleanliness! Later looked like their discussions took a different turn when his friend questioned him if his son would settle down in the USA or India? ……………………….I noticed he was not happy, he had stopped smiling, so guessed the answer! Sad! at times while the parents are proud of their children settled abroad, send sufficient money, provide all luxuries at home they still seem unhappy as they have no one to care for them or they miss their children whom they cannot relate much now due to the culture that they have adopted in the new country! Hmmmm………………
Then there are these couples (not young) who are either talking non-stop or absolutely silent (did they fight? Don’t know?) they are done with their 4-5 rounds of walk! Oh! Did I forget the younger generation! While it is so heartening to see how health conscious they are it is equally irritating to notice how annoyed they get when the track is blocked by the ladies (ref above) or some old people walking slowly. One young guy was jogging (notice his ipod, ear plugs etc) who blurted out one day “ Why do these old guys come here! All they do is block way for us! I almost wanted to stop him and give him a peace of mind, “Dear, where would these people walk? On the roads?”………..
Nevertheless, I enjoy these walks, I either do not have plans of changing to a much silent park! I love the conversations I overhear (I do not need an ipod J ), I have realized many things, most importantly, enjoy and value every day, how blessed we are! We need to understand feelings of our in-laws, parents! We will get old one day! at times I feel low and worried, those occasions when I notice a lady is depressed, an old man/lady walking alone lost deep in thoughts………don’t know what happened! All I can is pray and wish that they will soon feel better ………and let them keep walking……………..stay healthy and live life to the fullest!
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